Business Integrated Governance (BIG) for Product, Projects, Programmes and Portfolios, is a model that explains how to connect from strategic drivers to the operational parts of the organisation and those that focus on implementing change. It explains the importance of regular reviews and a logical approach to managing the underlying data that supports decision-making processes.
Without regular reviews, it is hard to spot and coordinate creation to changing opportunity, threat imperative and goal. Without visibility of these drivers, it is hard to set priorities for competing objectives. If objectives can’t be prioritised, how can the projects and programmes that deliver them be prioritised? Without clear information on competing uses of resources and funding, how can options for use of them be considered?
BIG provides the ecosystem to enable agility. Without it, imperfect selections of what is important can be made, and consequences of unmanaged choice making can lead to losses in perfectly good initiatives thrust aside to deliver todays necessity.
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