Early Engagement

BIG Workshop

What is BIG and how is related to me?

What is it?

  • Presentation of the BIG material
  • Identification of areas to investigate within the organisation
  • Brainstorm around initial scope ideas

Service Features

  • Training course for BIG concepts
  • Introduction
  • Organisation and Governance Model
  • Governance Nodes
  • Information and Adoption

Service Benefits

Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, if you are using tabs to show different services, write about what makes each service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items, write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.

Content of the Workshop

Module 1 – Introduction – 45 minutes

  • Walk through the Business Integrated Governance Concept
  • Introduction – benefits and beneficiaries – how does that relate to you?
  • Model Overview – from OTIG to OTC and into the business, Outline model concepts  and components – in what form are these elements tackled in your organisation?

Module 2 – Organisation and Governance Model - 45 minutes

  • The Importance of Organisation – what is yours?
  • Integrated Governance – what are your workloads, how are they classified, how do they relate to each other and the organisation? Challenges faced?

Modules 3, 4, 5 – Governance Nodes - 2 hours 15 minutes

  • Accountability and the structure of a governance node – what is the accountability map in your organisation? Governance nodes:
  • Main Board, Portfolio
  • Programme, Project, 
  • Management Team, Finance, Business Support. 
  • How do these relate to your organisation?

Module 6 – Information and Data - 45 minutes

  • Information – Introduction. What are your key sources? What information is needed for which governance node?
  • Data – Data warehouse and data integration as a concept, MI Tools, technology options

Module 7 – Adoption – 45 minutes

  • Adoption – high level principles, roadmap, core enablers, change management and benefit realisation (capability development, adoption support and sustainment)

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