Why are Board meetings like wading through mud?
I’ve been in post as new CIO here now for 3 months, but I’m finding Board meetings tedious and unhelpful.
We have a great new sales director, laser sharp person. At performance meetings, there is simplicity – the targets are…, the issues have been…, we are addressing by…, I need…. Similar in supply chain.
So why is it that when it comes to strategy and change, we are told a complete list of confusingly named Projects (what is Project Falcon?)?
We can see that they are ‘Red Amber or Green’. We are given a summary of what the project is going to do, and whether it is agile, and whether it is governance level A, B or C. We sit through a commentary about all the milestones progress, how much has been spent, and how much ahead or behind we are.
Why do we have to debate this project alignment to that ‘strategic driver’ every meeting? I have no idea how initiatives relate to opportunities, threats, imperatives and goals, or who is accountable for which objectives and challenges.
Maybe I’m just wondering because I’m new, but how have some of these things got on our agenda? Why are we into the weeds on these things? Why are we wading through all this mud?
I’m sensing it has been forever thus, because surely we wouldn’t design our strategy progress board meetings on this basis?
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